FoodSIVI will implement a new four-year project as part of FoodCoST: Food Costing and Internalisation of Externalities for System Transition, a project funded by the EU and the UKRI under Horizon Europe, an EU research and innovation programme. In the FoodCOST project, economic and environmental researchers will work together at the frontier of food system modelling, and collaborate with leading international organisations working on the economics of food system transformation.

In collaboration with the FoodCOST partners, particularly colleagues in Wageningen Economic Research (WER) at Wageningen University and the Nuremberg Institute of Technology in Germany, FoodSIVI will deliver new models and datasets for the damage and mitigation costs of food system impacts. Working within the project with the MAGNET general equilibrium model at WER, and with modelling partners from the Potsdam Climate Institute (PIK) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the costing data will be applied to studies in the economic potential of taxation, tariffs, subsidies, financial reporting, land-use and dietary change.


Image: Micheile dot com | Unsplash