SPIQ-FS generic dataset
The SPIQ-FS generic dataset version 0 contains national estimates of marginal damage costs in 2020 USD PPP (international dollars) for the emission or production in 2020 of 14 impact quantities for 158 countries. Marginal damage costs in the generic set are calculated under the assumption that future economies developed according to the IPCC shared socioeconomic pathway SSP2. The condition that emissions, or habitat loss, or resource use, or consumption occurs in 2020 and that future development occurs under SSP2, is referred to as scenario 1 in the files.
The dataset contains the mean value of the modelled marginal damage costs and the parameters mu and sigma of a log-normal distribution fit as described in Annex A of the SPIQ-FS documentation. The parameters mu and sigma can be used to reconstruct univariate samples of each marginal damage cost. Joint samples are reconstructed from the method described in Annex B of the SPIQ-FS documentation.
The datsets are provided as .csv files. Each set has a file with an appended “_S” in the filename that contains 1000 raw samples before fitting.
All versions of the SPIQ-FS generic dataset are used under the CC BY 4.0 license. No warranties are given on the suitability or accuracy of the data for your intended use. No warranties are given that the license gives all of the permissions necessary for your intended use. By using the SPIQ-FS dataset FoodSIVI nor the University of Oxford endorses you or your intended use.